

 2 years ago

Mechanical Design Engineer

Member since May 26, 2019

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Learn some important English Words Part...

very part explains 20 English words which are used in English newspaper, storybooks, magazines, etc. These English words are extremely...

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Learn some important English Words Part...

Every part explains 20 English words which are used in English newspaper, storybooks, magazines, etc. These English words are extremely...

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Learn some important English Words Part...

Every part explains 20 English words which are used in English newspaper, storybooks, magazines, etc. These English words are extremely...

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Things in our daily life go unnoticed without...

In our daily day life, we use many things commonly. But there may be certain things we look at it and ignore because of not knowing...

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Corona Related English Words and Their Meanings...

Due to the increase of COVID -19 disease worldwide, speaking about coronavirus disease became a part of our daily life. As the talking...

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Corona Related English Words and Their Meanings...

While reading a newspaper or an article about corona you may come across a new word like comorbidity, corona, respiratory syndrome,...

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You may have little confusion while choosing the head sizes or shank diameter of the bolts. Because when you measure the actual sizes...

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Drill Sizes for Tapping

Tapping is a process of thread cutting in a material automatically by machine or manually by hand. For automatic process we may use...

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Stress and Strain

Stress is the resistance offered by the body when the load is applied to the body. Strain is the deformation produced in the body...

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Learn some important English Words Part...

Every part explains 15 English words which are used in English newspaper, storybooks, magazines, etc. These English words are extremely...

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Learn some important English Words part...

Part – 1 Every part explains 15 English words which are used in English newspaper, storybooks, magazines, etc. These English words...

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Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials

For various engineering applications the selection of materials so much depends on the properties of materials. For a design engineer...

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