Category : Science


“White cells are best hunters” Global scientist are taking step towards finding vaccine to completely destroy the Novel coronavirus...

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Why is the cooking time reduced in the pressure cooker?

When the pressure is normal the cooking items absorb less heat and so the cooking time is high. When the pressure is high the cooking...

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Why does a water bottle or 20 or 25 litre jar can suck...

When you pour the water from a bottle making the bottle upside down the water comes out and there is a space created inside the bottle....

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When you drop a heavy metal ball and a feather from a certain...

  The speed of any objects which fall on the earth when it is simply dropped from a certain height is same without any medium (without...

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Why does a needle or paperclip float on the surface of...

Due to surface tension of the water on the surface the needle floats. Consider the water surface like an elastic rope. When a small...

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How does the water or juice move upwards through the straw...

While we drink the water through straw we suck the air inside the draw. While we suck it some air inside the draw comes up to our...

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Why is the water in the earthen pot cool?

The earthen pot contains small pores. The water tries to go out through this holes but it gets evaporates on the outer surface of...

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Why do we pour hot tea from higher to lower distance to...

If the tea is poured in a plate the tea will be cooled fast. But if it is in glass then it will cool slowly. From this we can understand...

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Why there is a gap between the railway tracks or in the...

If there is no gap →           When the material (railway track, concrete, steel, etc.) is heated it expands and when it is cooled...

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Why does the cold water bottle or cold drinks bottle sweat?

The outside atmospheric air always contains some water in the invisible state (Gaseous State). When the cool drink or cold water in...

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Why is the sky blue?

When we walk out of the home and see the sky a question arises in our mind. Why is the sky blue? We will think we have studied that...

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